LIC AAO Recruitment 2019: Hurry! Last date to apply online for exam is March 22, admit card from April 22
March 20, 2019 ・0 comments ・Topic: LIC AAO Recruitment 2019
The last day to apply for Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) Assistant Administrative Officers (Generalist/ IT/ Chartered Accountant/ Actuarial/ Rajbhasha) AAO exam 2019 is March 22.
The application process or (Online Registration of Applications and Online Payment of Application Fee/ Intimation Charges) began on March 2, 2019.
The total number of vacancies to be filled through this exam is 590.
Out of the 590 positions available in the LIC AAO recruitment, 350 are reserved for AAO Generalist, 150 are reserved for AAO IT, 50 for AAO CA, 30 for AAO (Actuarial) and 5 for AAO (Rajbhasha). The total number of vacancies and the reserved vacancies is provisional and may vary according to the actual requirements.
The minimum qualification required for different AAO positions is different and should be checked in the notification. Candidates must be at least 21 years of age (as on March 1, 2019), but not more than 30 years old (candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.03.1989 and not later than 01.03.1998 both days inclusive only are eligible ). There is relaxations in upper age limit for Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe(ST)/Other Backward Community(OBC)/ Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECO) /Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCO) /Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) /Confirmed LIC employees.
The application fee for the LIC AAO positions is Rs 600 plus transaction charges for all canddiates other than SC/ST/ PwBD. For SC/ST/ PwBD candidates the fees is Rs 100 and transaction charges.
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