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RRB to reactivate ALP & Technician CBT 2 answer keys link on Feb 14; check details here

February 14, 2019 ・0 comments

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NEW DELHI: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will on Thursday activate the link to check the RRB Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) and Technician Computer Based Test Phase 2 answer key 2018.

Earlier, the RRB is supposed to activate the link on February 11, 2019 and even had released the schedule for raising objections against question paper, response sheet and answer keys. But as of now the link, shared by the RRB, is not working, instead a notice posted there on the website reads "The Login to form will be available only between 14-02-2019 13 Hours 00 Minutes to 17-02-2019 23 Hours 55 Minutes".

As of now, the second stage answer key can't be accessed, the RRB is expected to release the answer key afresh on Thursday i.e., on February 14, 2019.

Therefore, the candidates are advised to check their RRB ALP & Technician answer keys from the official website from February 14, 2019 onward.

Candidates, to view the question paper in which s/he had appeared in the CBT for second stage ALP & Technicians examination with the options selected by you and the correct answer key, login with your credentials and click on the response sheet tab.

After viewing the details above, objections if any regarding the questions, options and keys published can be raised.

Tentative schedule for viewing question paper, responses and keys & raising of objections if any to the RRB ALP & Technician questions/options/keys
Activity Schedule
Viewing of the question paper,

responses and keys (the option

selected by the candidate will

be visible along with an option

treated as correct with
green tick mark).
February 14, 2019, 12:00 hrs onwards
Raising of objections against

the questions, options and
keys and online fee payment
February 16, 10:00 hrs onwards
Closing of the objection
raising and payment window
February 17, 2019, 23:59 hrs.

RRB ALP & Technician answer keys: Application Fees

The prescribed fee for raising objection is Rs 50/- per question. In case the objection raised is found to be correct, the Fee paid against such valid objections shall be refunded to you. The refund will be made to the account from where you have made the online payment.

RRB ALP & Technician answer keys: Procedure

For raising objections, you have to select the question ID from among the dropdown list. Therefore, in order to raise objection, the question ID has to be noted for selecting the same from the dropdown list.

In case you want to raise an objection as an incorrect answer key then you to note the correct option ID from the four option IDs available on the top right corner of the question. The correct option ID may be selected from the dropdown list of option IDs and then submitted.

Similarly for other type of objections such as all options incorrect, incorrect/Ambiguous question, Multiple correct answers, Translation error, any other mistake etc you may select the type of objection and furnish reason/supporting references in the explanation box.

You have to first decide based on your review, as to for how many questions you wish to raise objection and then start raising the objection as detailed above.

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