RPF SI result for Group E and F released @si.rpfonlinereg.org; check merit list here
February 05, 2019 ・0 comments ・Topic: CBT RPF SI RPF SI RESULTS RPS Group E and F RESULTS SARKARI RESULTS
NEW DELHI: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has released the result of Sub Inspector Group E and F results on the official website on February 5, 2019. The candidates who have appeared for the Sub Inspector Group E and F written examination can now check and download their results from the official website of RPF- si.rpfonlinereg.org.
The candidates who have qualified in the Computer Based Test(CBT) would be called in for Physical Efficiency Test(PET) and Physical Measurement (PMT). The PET and PMT for Group E and F are likely to held in February 2019.
Direct link to Sub Inspector Group E written examination result
Direct link to Sub Inspector Group F written examination result
RPF is conducting recruitment drive to fill in 1120 the vacancies (819 for male and 301 for female) of Sub-Inspectors in Railway Protection Force and Railway Protection Special Force in Level 6 of 7th CPC Pay matrix with initial pay of Rs 35,400 and allowances.
Based on the performance of candidates in the CBT and subject to their qualifying in PET and PMT, candidates would be called for Document Verification. The date for DV would be intimated in the website. Candidates are advised to visit RPF website regularly for the update on same.
How to check the Sub Inspector Group E and F results
1. Go to the official website of RPF- si.rpfonlinereg.org
2. On the homepage, click on the link which says “Candidates Shortlisted for PMT, PET and DV”
3. A new page will open, select your exam Group (Group E or F)
4. Press Control and F (Ctrl+f) and type your roll number
5. Download the take the print out of the same for future reference
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